Picture Post Card Posted From Post Box Pictured, 2014

Mostyn Gallery
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Signed, unlimited edition

Jonathan Monk’s work reaches into the past, looking in particular at the strategies of artists synonymous with the birth of Conceptual art and artists associated with Minimalism. While he adopts the language of these two art genres, he infuses his work with references he makes to his own personal history, family and biography as well as to everyday anecdotes.

Titled Picture Post Card Posted From Post Box Pictured, this work, by Berlin based British artist Monk, is part of a series of postcard edition pieces, which includes those made for venues in New York, London, Brussels and Paris. Each version of the edition depicts an image of the closest postbox to the gallery, institution or bookshop that it is produced for.

This version has been produced for MOSTYN and features the postbox which is outside the gallery. After purchasing the postcard, the artist will write the address and message that the purchaser would like, together with his signature. The postcard will then be posted from the postbox pictured on the postcard, which in MOSTYN’s case is the postbox outside the former post office next door to the gallery.

Product Specifications

Size: 10cm x 15cm

Material: Printed postcard

Produced by Jonathan Monk